My AI Blog or the Art of Loving AI


One of my most attractive fields of interest in computer science has been artificial intelligence (AI). At NJIT, I was a former graduate student member of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), which I recommend to students and researchers at each level.  As I was also a student member of ACM and IEEE, I tried to integrate my experience with other areas of computer science and cybernetics.  After teaching AI classes for one year, including important areas of application, such as expert systems, neural networks, and various flavors of logic, also applied to problem solving and searching methods, I have decided to start my AI blog today. During my years as a student at Universidad del Norte, in Barranquilla, Colombia, I had a chance to watch the satellite worldwide open conference, sponsored by Texas Instruments, where some historic stars like Larry Tenant and John McCarthy shown alone the multi-city conference, based out Austin and Houston, Texas, and from a city in California, which I recall was either San Jose or Palo Alto.

During my graduate research work with Professor Dr. James Geller, I encountered a successful inspiration to write an important expert system, which I named G4, as a geometric shape recognizer, written in my PC using CLIPS.  This was a wonderful dedicated experience, pursued with the reading of several research papers, from which I encountered the most valuable the discussions on fuzzy logic and uncertainty reasoning.

Today, when I have got the chance to teach the course for a couple of sessions now, I encountered myself more interested in areas such as neural networks, machine learning and robotics, but always driven by my interest in logic and problem solving through search methods.

I will do that, by sharing some of the slides from the first few lectures, and later on, I plan to discuss a variety of cutting-edge topics currently making breaking news, not only in the USA but also all around the world.  Although, in the beginning they may look a bit vague or superficial, they become more interesting as the course advances.

Besides, the key purpose is also to find an inner motivation to include AI and machine learning topics, as part of my consulting and research professional services.


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